IWE: Goal Setting

Описание к видео IWE: Goal Setting

In this IWE lecture, Heather from the Writing Lab shares strategies on how to set an overall objective and bitesize benchmarks for your writing routine.

About the IWE:The Intensive Writing Experience for Thesis & Dissertation Writers is a Purdue Writing Lab program that offers graduate students protected time and space to write and revise their capstone documents. Short workshops paired with writing time allow participants to learn and pratice strategies (such as reverse outlining) that might prove useful in writing and revising. The videos in this series were developed to replace the in-person workshops when the program moved to a virtual format.
00:00 Intro
01:05 Reflecting on your Writing
03:05 Defining Progress
04:04 Setting Measurable Goals
05:16 Example – Goals
05:50 How to Create Goals
08:40 Motivation & Time
12:45 Motivation & Social Support
14:08 Motivation & Deliverables
15:35 Conclusion


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