Inés & León - El internado: Las Cumbres

Описание к видео Inés & León - El internado: Las Cumbres

This video is specially for my foreign friends who love the couple Ines and Leon. I didn't use Russian dubbing, there are only the best moments and music. This video looks like another one because i did them in the same time and decided to post the first one. But in youtube no too much choice about this couple thats why this video will be with you.
Here the other side both of them. Leon loves her but his other side has too much secrets and makes him misterious. Ines doesn't remember nothing, trying to run away from him because of her fears but something inside her makes follow him and with every step she closer to open this secret.

#Elinternado:LasCumbres #чернаялагунавершины #LeonInes#ЛеонИнес #ElInternado #LasCumbres #El #Internado #Las #Cumbres


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