Tomato varieties for 2023 | Sowing the scions

Описание к видео Tomato varieties for 2023 | Sowing the scions

I have delayed starting my tomatoes by about two weeks this season, partly due to the cold weather and partly because the plants were huge by the time we got to planting out last year. In this video I waffle on about the varieties - which include 17 regional Italian sorts - and then do a bit of sowing. I will be grafting again this year, so I will sow the rootstocks in a few days' time.


Yellows: Sungold F1, Ananas, Yellow Brandywine.

Small fruited: Piennolo del Vesuvio, Corbarino, Borgo Cellano, Tondo Maremmano, Fiaschetto, di Torremaggiore.

Large fruited: Canestrino di Lucca, Pisanello, Riccio di Parma, Ladino di Pannocchia, Belmonte, Gigante della Sila, Rosa di Sorrento, Dieci dita di Napoli, Pera d'Abruzzo, Pantano, Albenga.


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