Cyberpunk 2077 (Extra OST) – Nocturne OP55N1: The Final Decision

Описание к видео Cyberpunk 2077 (Extra OST) – Nocturne OP55N1: The Final Decision

Ambient music which plays at the end of the mission Nocturne OP55N1 after you wake up in Vik's clinic. Misty takes you to the the rooftop - to a special place where Jackie once pondered his decisions. It's here you make the final choice on how you are going to take matters into your own hands. V and Johnny weigh up the options - which will have tremendous consequences.

As a Cyberpunk 2077 fan I'm keen to share the music that didn't make it onto the official soundtrack / OST. Comment below if you have any requests! Subscriptions = ❤️/ Subskrypcje = ❤️

Extra soundtrack music is the intellectual property of CD PROJEKT RED. This is an unofficial fan work and is not approved/endorsed by CD PROJEKT RED.

#CyberpunkExtraOST #ExtraOST #CyberpunkOST

Cyberpunk final music / Cyberpunk final decision / Cyberpunk final choice / Cyberpunk final option / Cyberpunk rooftop / Misty rooftop / Johnny rooftop / Johnny Silverhand rooftop / Final mission music / Talking to Johnny


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