
Описание к видео 【新しい黄金時代の始まり】大天使ミカエル

【Gateway to the Cosmic City Channel】@GCCC1027

In the journey of spiritual awakening, many find themselves on the path of ascension, seeking the gateway to the cosmos.
Along this profound journey, healers, lightworkers, and starseeds play pivotal roles.
These individuals, with their unique abilities and higher consciousness, guide others towards enlightenment, helping them navigate the vast universe within and beyond.
The entrance to the cosmic city is not just a physical location, but a state of mind and spirit, where one can connect deeply with the universe and discover their true purpose.


・VOICEVOX:もち子(cv 明日葉よもぎ)

引用元 https://www.universallighthouse.com/p...

@スピリチュアル @アセンション @宇宙,次元上昇 @5次元 @ファーストコンタクト @大天使ミカエル @大天使 @天使


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