غريبا عشت في الدنيا - أحلى قصيدة للبابا شنودة الثالث

Описание к видео غريبا عشت في الدنيا - أحلى قصيدة للبابا شنودة الثالث

ترنيمة غريبا عشت في الدنيا - فريق قلب داود


A stranger I lived in the world
A foreigner like my forefathers
A pilgrim in my attitude
In my thoughts and my desires
A Stranger, I have no one to
Unload on him, my thoughts so true

The people do not like my roots
Nor do they understand my end
In craze arise the multitude
In maddening noise without an end
And I remain in solitude
Serenity in my heart felt
A stranger, I can find no home
Nor a corner to rest alone

I cast away the world's pleasures
Ignoring her callings to me
I went, I dragged away my things
Away from their merry-makings
My heart silent, indifferent
To all they think is important
My listening will never yield
To loud and worldly conversing

I wander off all on my own
So happy to be in the vast
With my timbrel and my cymbal
And melodies of praise I sing
And now comes the holy moment
In which I Retreat with my King
I roam about as a spirit
Invisible to on-lookers
The world alien I am to it
A foreigner like my forefathers

My existence is a triumph
No wealth, power to disturb me
No house is here to delay me
Nor any friend or family
And with me are sweet verses
And great proverbs to console me
The Bible here my only lamp
And nothing else to concern me

I do not know of any fear
Nor any bonds that hinder me
No longer does the world rule me
Against me and at times for me
I say to every enemy
Who only wants to seduce me
Beware that now I am alive
A stranger as were my fathers


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