ASMR 理容店で小さくかわいいカミソリmicroでヒゲを剃る方法  How to shave with a small, cute razor micro at the barber store.

Описание к видео ASMR 理容店で小さくかわいいカミソリmicroでヒゲを剃る方法  How to shave with a small, cute razor micro at the barber store.


理容師さんへmicroをオススメするのは歳をとるに連れて必ず感じる老眼です!今、まさに僕がそこの域にいるのですが文字が見えない・・・ボヤけるんです!そこに理容師さんのレザーは本当に気が張るし疲れことでしょう。それであればレザーとmicroの今で言う二刀流にすれば疲れが軽減すると思うのです!理容師さんのみが使える究極のシェービングツール!そこにもう1つカミソリ倶楽部 クリエイション フィレンゼ・イタリア マニュファクチャーのツール microを加えてNeoシェービングはいかがですか?

We asked Hair Salon Bata (Kashiwazaki-san Family), a barbershop in Yokohama, to do a shaving using micro for a customer. The model is my nephew!
Kashiwazaki-san had not used micro before, but they kindly agreed to lend it to us two weeks before the shoot.
The reason why I recommend micro to barbers is because of presbyopia, which I always feel as I get older! I'm right in the middle of that age range right now, and I can't see the letters...they're blurry! And leather for barbers must be really stressful and tiring. If that's the case, I think a two-sided system of what we now call “leather” and “micro” would reduce the fatigue! The ultimate shaving tool that only barbers can use! How about Neo shaving by adding another razor club Creation Firenze Italia Manufacture tool micro to it?
The razor shop recommends this micro razor to professional barbers.
This video is also minimally edited to make it as live as possible, and I hope you will find it useful despite the long explanation and method.


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