Introducing Artificial Life Coach! (Commercial parodying AI hype)

Описание к видео Introducing Artificial Life Coach! (Commercial parodying AI hype)

🚨 Attention Big tech companies! You fired the rest, now try the #blessed! 🚨
Introducing... Artificial Life Coach! 🤖 Unlike other AI experts, I ask the real tough questions like "wait, who really is the tool here?" This revolutionary life coaching service is ready for all your AI needs: from algorithmic decision-making tools that spy on and harm people to three dogs in a trench coat raising money for their AI startup! Just kidding! They're the same company. 😎
💻 This hype-busting parody commercial exposes the tech industry's links to big issues of power, inequality, and injustice. You can trust that Artificial Life Coach ethics washing is done with only pure alkaline water from Davos that I leave under a full moon with silicon crystals in it. The right way. You're welcome.
Act now and get a free "AI Horoscope" subscription! 🔮 Drop by to get your statistically relevant future predictions. We pinky swear on it, and now thanks to AI our hands have 285% more pinkies! That’s a promise you can trust.
🤞 Hit that like button, subscribe, tune in, turn on... then turn off and turn back on again! 🔥 Sorry, had to reboot there – early launch problems, amiright? 😂
#humor #AI #AIethics

🔮🔮 🔮Believe in yourself. Not big tech.🔮🔮🔮


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