Remixing and remastering "The Way of the Fire" from TIME 2 by Wintersun

Описание к видео Remixing and remastering "The Way of the Fire" from TIME 2 by Wintersun

DISCLAIMER: obviously this isn't my music. I'm doing this because the original mix and master really annoyed me, and I want to show people how I did it and try to show WHY I did the processing I did, rather than just dumping a fan remix on the on the internet and calling it a day.


I heard this album on the day it released, and the first thing I remembering thinking was "JFC that is really loud" to the point that it made the whole album much less enjoyable than it should have been. I put that down to it being the evening and having tired ears from already mixing and playing drums that day.

Flash forward to the next day when I got my hands on the stems I used for this video, and guess what I saw when I loaded in the stems and hit play... +12dB on the master fader, and when I checked the LUFS, they came out as -4.7......YEESH

So, I did what anyone in my position would do, and remixed this song to be a little less extremely loud. Whilst I was there, I also did some additional small tweaks to make the mix clearer and have certain elements come through better.

I am not going to be sharing the stems, because I have already probably pissed off the lawyers at Nuclear Blast enough for one video. However, assuming A) people like this remix enough and B) I don't get sued by an angry record label I will quite happily remix the rest of the songs I have tracks for to be less loud

Side note: when I say "The mix is shit" I'm using hyperbole for comedic effect. It's really not that bad (and my main complaint is really how loud the damn thing is mixed to be)

You can download the .WAV of the song here:


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