Training hub fika #2 – The path to mastery: strategies for designing and assessing learning outcomes

Описание к видео Training hub fika #2 – The path to mastery: strategies for designing and assessing learning outcomes

The SciLifeLab Training Hub is thrilled to invite you to the first series of Training hub fika – grab your coffee and join us for short talks and discussion on topics from digitalizing courses to using the Training Portal to career-spanning learning!

In this fika, Nina Norgren held a session titled "The path to mastery: strategies for designing and assessing learning outcomes".

SciLifeLab is at the forefront of technology- and data-driven knowledge, and we offer training for current and potential SciLifeLab infrastructure users, such as PhD students, postdocs, investigators and other employees within all Swedish universities.

The SciLifeLab Training Hub works to consolidate and coordinate the training efforts across the SciLifeLab ecosystem, giving the life science community easy access to the SciLifeLab infrastructure knowledge, skills and expertise.

Learn more at


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