Git rest & revert deep dive | Git revert vs reset Demo | Git tutorial | Java Home Cloud

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Git revert and git reset are two Git commands used to undo changes in a Git repository, but they work differently.

Git revert is a command that creates a new commit that undoes the changes made by a previous commit. It is a safe way to undo changes in Git, as it does not modify the commit history. Instead, it adds a new commit that contains the opposite changes to the ones in the commit you want to undo. This means that the commit history is preserved and that you can revert the revert later if you need to.

Git reset, on the other hand, is a command that modifies the commit history by moving the branch pointer to a previous commit. It allows you to discard changes made after a specific commit and to reset the repository to that commit's state. This means any commits made after the reset commit will be removed from the repository's commit history.

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