Unawarely - by Jeff Hardy & Virgil Mandanici

Описание к видео Unawarely - by Jeff Hardy & Virgil Mandanici

Available here: https://ditto.fm/unawarely
©Copyright 2023 Jeff Hardy & Virgil Mandanici

Lyrics & vocals: Jeff Hardy
Music & production: Virgil Mandanici
Additional piano renderings: Eddie Ray
Filmed & edited by Virgil Mandanici

State the obvious by living your truth
Counter your awareness by killing your ego
World your opinion throughout your own world
There’s a gigantic difference between the earth and the world

We are weak
It is strong
We the world are the lower power
It the Earth is the higher power
Pull from it
Don’t abuse it
We don’t own the earth
Earth owns us
It’s a privilege for those of us who are lucky enough to live
We are what’s wrong here
Humanity reached its extremity many moons ago
In my opinion
Yet we keep pushing intelligence with satellites and wifi
Electric cars and AI
As if we’ll ever make sense of it all?
As if we’ll ever understand why we’re here?
It’s just here
We’re just here
Enjoy what you can and
Callous your feelings in order to face the inevitable
Pain is inevitable
Suffering is not
It’s all very simple you see?
Super simple
Mega simple to be exact
Infinitive vibes of simple to be direct
It’s up to you to listen or ignore
I do it all the time
I listen and I ignore
Only take in the thinking that is valuable to you
Thinking that is useless is of no meaning
To the mind body heart or soul
What thinking do you let in
To develop your thoughts?
What thoughts do you allow to dictate your life?
The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it
Submerge yourself
Flow with it
And join the great mysteries dance
We’re all just a bunch of twins made up of bones when the flesh is gone
Unthink to develop your thoughts
Un be to activate your soul

You are life
Good and bad
Evil and heroic
Miserable and satisfied
Calm cool and terrified
The you’s and me’s of this world
You are death
Without death there is no life
If not for life you never were
If not for death you would have never been
Combine the two that’s what I do
A mate once said, ”We only live once”
I responded, ”No mate, you're wrong”
We only die once
We live everyday if we choose to
Choose to
Live for yourself through love
Choose to
Live for the ones you love
Choose to
Live for your souls
Kingdom of the Lord within yourself
Having faith in the unknown
To unawarely guide you through metaphorology
Simply because

God's here in you
We’re oceans it’s true
Water waving around
We’re flowers in bloom
We’re atmospheres in tune
Interacting around
If you choose to be your own universe
Twin to our universe
Stay away from the curse of them
The evils of the earth
The know it alls since birth
The wicked and untrustworthy of nothing but greed
Shun them from your realm of life
Let nature in and live
Through trees we breathe
Their roots our veins in tune
Their bark our skin their water our blood in tune
Unidentical art forms giving each other life
Designed by the divine
We only die once
Choose to live everyday
Live for the God within your being
In other words
Become your God within your being
The external world is simply an extension of your own world here on Earth
If you have the gift of sight?
What you choose to see that is good
Is what you are
What you can be?
Whatever that is
Let it in and don’t say I can’t
You can and you will
If you choose to
What you choose to see that is bad
Don’t let it be you
It’s what you shouldn’t be
I believe what we experience between our hearts and our minds
Is our own creation of heavens and hells

I can and I will
So l could and I did
I say it all the time
Manifesting my future?
If we could only manifest the past
Outside our fifth dimensions
Mistakes erased improve us
Mistakes repeated over and over again
Can kill us
Mine almost killed me until I plunged into change
Change for the greater form of good
Change for my greater form of God
Self hate can be healing or suicidal?
Choose healing
Choose life
Choose love
Allow your world to shine in the light of the sun
Allow your world to glow in the brightness of the moon
Allow yourself to be your own unique microscopic world
Because it is just that
Until it isn’t
We are the lower power
We all have a higher power to acknowledge
It’s the Earth
In my opinion again


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