Kubota B7100, Buzz Saw and Pole Wood

Описание к видео Kubota B7100, Buzz Saw and Pole Wood

The Kubota B7100 four wheel drive, 16 Hp sub compact tractor with a six speed transmission and three speed pto is a mighty little workhorse for its diminutive size. It will work all day on one fill up of the 2 1/2 gallon fuel tank and still have a fair amount left over at suppertime. It never fails to start, seldom breaks down and is always a pleasure to operate. I bought this one new in '82 and actually has suffered a few failures, mostly minor. I'm on the third battery in 38 years, second set of front tires and second fan belt. The big weakness in this little machine is in the steering gear box if it's let run in continuous 4wd. There are ball bearings that run up and down on a spiral race at the bottom of the steering column and twice that shaft has worn out. Other than filters, oil, engine coolant and the fan belt there has not been another penny spent on breakdowns. This is the first of three Kubotas I own. A '99 B2400 and an '05 B3030 are the other two. Well...the B2400 has ended up at my son's house and is due for its second major repair...but THAT's another video !!
Now... the B U Z Z S A W ! ! Nothing to me is sillier than all the comments you read on buzz saw videos that start with "I know a guy...." or ''My dad knew a guy...." or Grandpa had a neighbor that.....". They then proceed with tales of horror about death, mutilation and destruction to just about every body part known to man....and some parts that are not known as well. If as many farmers were truly hurt as badly as are claimed in the comments, there would hardly be a farmer in America to reach old age with all his body parts intact !! These stories are more times than not urban myths that are spun most of the time by guys that haven't been within a mile of one of these 'DANGEROUS' machines, much less seen one in operation or actually used one. Note here I say 'most', because I am sure there is at least one in a hundred of those stories are due to first hand 'eyes-on' evidence. But then I'm being generous because I think it is actually less than that percentage. The thing is though, each and every one of the guys that spin one of the stories is convinced that HE is the one in a hundred that knows its for a fact totally true !! LOLOL
You would think then if all those supposed true stories really are true then as much as I have used these rigs for most of the last 60 years and figuring probabilities of accident based on that measure of time consumed at the helm, I should be missing at least ONE appendage and either walking on a prosthetic leg or typing one handed because that's all I have left. Now if you do want to consider just a slight bit of danger, consider this: One of the things these saw rigs are used for is sharpening fence posts. Cedar trees 8'' to 10'' in diameter are cut to 7' or 8' in length and then are split lengthwise with a maul and wedges. Then pick the narrowest end of the split half and slide it lengthwize into the saw blade holding it halfway up its length to make several 16'' tapered cuts freehanded to create a point for driving into the ground. Just think about that. Sharpening fence posts isn't anything like cross cutting pole wood or sawmill slabs for heating. Cutting slabs or limbs into 16" lengths is a cakewalk by comparison. I actually enjoyed spreading the winters dairy barn manure pile across the fields in the Spring more than sharpening fence posts.......and guess what...!!?? I still to this day have all my fingers, hands, arms toes, feet and legs in spite of all the supposed dangers of the horrible tool known as the buzz saw.

Suffice it to say that even a simple tool in the hands of an unwary or untrained individual can wreak physical damage and possibly even death... But I shouldn't have to tell you not to clean sawdust out of your eyes with an ice pick. The careless or inebriated operator can definitely be hurt on these rigs, but a person that has respect and shows respect for mechanical equipment, even untrained, stands little chance of harm due to these machines.
To boil down my rant concerning death and destruction, mayhem and mutilation into a few simple words: Safety glasses, gloves, steel toed shoes, ear plugs and a clear mind is all you need...so happy sawing !!! No offense, but I hope we don't meet up in the Emergency Room.....


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