Hamburger Style of Potatoes with Tuna Recipe | ツナ入りポテトのハンバーグ風

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#HamburgerStyleofPotatoeswithTunaRecipe #ツナ入りポテトのハンバーグ風

🐱 A hamburger made with tuna and potatoes instead of minced meat. It has a chewy texture and is perfect for eating and even kids can enjoy! You can also add cheese, corn, peas, edamame or bacon to your liking and arrange it. Make healthier hamburger as you can. You can add more sauce if you like, just simply add the same equal of the sauce ingredients.

70g (1 can) Tuna Can ツナ缶[オイル漬け]
4 Pcs Medium Potatoes じゃがいも
¼ Medium Onion 玉ねぎ
¼ Tsp Salt 塩
¼ Tsp Pepper こしょう
1 Tbsp Potato Starch 片栗粉 or Cornstarch
1 Tbsp Olive Oil オリーブオイル
1 Tbsp Sake 酒
1 Tbsp Ketchup ケチャップ
1 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce 中濃ソース
1 Tsp Salted Butter 有塩バター

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