Pickens County Board of Commissioners | May 20, 2024

Описание к видео Pickens County Board of Commissioners | May 20, 2024

1. Call to Order
2. Prayer
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Approval of the Agenda

5. Consent Agenda

A. Crime Victims' Rights Week
B. Mental Health Awareness Month
6. Old Business - None
7. New Business
A. Employee Recognitions
B. 4-H Recognitions
C. Rochester Agreement for Consulting Services for SPLOST, T-SPLOST and Capital Budget Preparations
D. Surplus Vehicle - 2005 Ford Explorer
E. Moratorium on New Industrial Land Use Designations

8. Action Items:

A. Approve Minutes
* Regular Meeting - April 15, 2024
* Executive Session Minutes - April 15, 2024
* Work Session - May 6, 2024

B. Rezones:

A. RZ-190631 Donna Sue Jackson
Hidden Cove Road
AG to SA
5 acres
Parcel #067 052 013

B. RZ-190659 Kenny and Kathy Spears
Carlan Road
SR to AG
13.25 acres
Parcel # 038 067 006

C. CU-190660 Susan Anthony-Lakeside Valley Vineyards
Tabitha Drive
Event Venue
Parcel #062B 001 001

D. RZ-190662 Christopher Joiner
Bryant Road
AG to RR
9.03 acres
Parcel #037 050 002

E. RZ-190663 Elizabeth Lagomarsino
Salem Church Road
AG to RR
10 acres
Parcel #054 012
(Total parcel is 247.18 acres; only 10 acres is being rezoned.)

9. Guests/Comments
10. Executive Session
11. Adjourn


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