Praktikantin bei der Hannover Rück! | Lauren in 🇩🇪 Ep 18

Описание к видео Praktikantin bei der Hannover Rück! | Lauren in 🇩🇪 Ep 18

Hey everyone!

I thought I’d do something a bit different in this video and take you with me for a day as an intern working here in Hannover!

The second half of the PPP/CBYX program year involves applying for, securing, and completing a 5 month internship in a German company. I’ve been really lucky to get a full time, paid internship in a field of my studies (not everyone can say the same…finding a job abroad is hard! even if it’s just an internship).

Hannover Re is an international company, with over 20 offices worldwide, which has made the culture easier to adjust to. Everyone has been so friendly, helpful, and willing to speak in English when I need it 😉

Only 10 more weeks until I’m back stateside! I honestly can’t believe it. It feels like yesterday I was cursing winter and wishing to be anywhere but here. Now I’m trying to squeeze in as much as I can! The sun shining again is a game changer.

Till next time!

xoxo Lauren

p.s You are so loved!


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