He Climbed 450 LP FORCING a Comp NO ONE is Playing

Описание к видео He Climbed 450 LP FORCING a Comp NO ONE is Playing

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This is a Black Rose Twitch game from LastKardax.
Source:   / 2313820113  

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I'm collaborating with OP.GG to show off a lot of their TFT tools as well as their super helpful overlay, check out all the links below!
Placement tool: https://tft.op.gg/tools/team-builder?...
Meta: https://tft.op.gg/meta-trends/comps?&...
Download: https://op.gg/desktop/en?&utm_source=...

Patch 14.23D
TFT SET 13 Challenger Reroll Guide Teamfight Tactics BEST Comps Beginners Meta Build Ranked Beginners Anomaly Arcane
#tft #tftset13 #teamfighttactics


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