5 Reasons Why An Older Condo Can Be A Good Investment

Описание к видео 5 Reasons Why An Older Condo Can Be A Good Investment

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“Lease decay” is the buzzword that never seems to go away. On the HDB end of things, it leads to constant complaints that you “don’t really own your flat”. In Singapore’s private property market, it leads to comments like “*99-year lease and so old? You may as well buy HDB”.*

And yet, even a brief glance at URA records will reveal there are buyers; there’s interest even in condos dating back to the ‘70s and ‘80s. Perhaps more surprisingly, some of the buyers aren’t’ always owner-occupiers. This leads to the question of *why*: what investment value is there, in older condos?

Here are 5 reasons why an older condo can still be a good investment:

They could have higher rentability
Rental yields tend to be on the high side
Freehold condos mitigate some of the worst aspects of age
There could be recent upgrades to the area
En-bloc sale is a good possibility

For more details, please read the full article at: https://stackedhomes.com/editorial/ho...

0:00 - Intro
2:29 - #1 - Higher Rentability
4:07 - #2 - Rental Yields Tend To Be On The Higher Side
5:21 - #3 - Freehold Condos Can Mitigate Worst Aspects Of Age
6:33 - #4 - The Surrounding Area Has Changed Significantly
8:03 - #5 - Potential For En Bloc
9:08 - So Are Older Condos Good/Better Investments?
10:57 - Outro

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