6-22-2022 Flying Fish and Close Encounters

Описание к видео 6-22-2022 Flying Fish and Close Encounters

Yesterday was a busy day for Spirit and her parents. Her 1st fish was delivered to the roost tree, and we thought we might get our first glimpse of Spirit eating out on a branch… but Spirit was so occupied in going after Jackie’s ankles, the fish got away and fell to the forest floor! Spirit was shocked, flew around to several branches, searching for the lost fish and yes, she had quite the hissy fit that lasted for some time.

Not to worry, Shadow came through delivering fish #2 to the nest, it's safer that way! It appeared this time Spirit may have tried to intercept the delivery mid-air but was unsuccessful. She sure is learning all the tools of the eagle trade.

Another afternoon snack flew in, yes fish #3, Spirit grabbed it up and in beautiful form, mantled it just as she should! Shadow has sure learned some fancy footwork, keeping his ankles safe from his perfectly aggressive daughter. We are sure he is proud of the progress his fierce and majestic eaglet is making.

Ending the night, nature put on an impressive light and sound show, we captured some of the more impressive strikes from the wide view cam… lighting up the sky and the nest tree beautifully. Spirit came through the storm just fine, we spotted her this morning, perched under the nest.

* Spirit may attempt to hunt while she is still in the area, though will likely have poor results. Hunting skills take a lot of practice. Spirit will follow Jackie & Shadow around, watch and learn. She will learn to hunt by trial and error and rely mostly on scavenging and stealing from others for the first year while she perfects her flight and hunting skills.


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