Riva Aquarama new luxury speedboat styling - Unravel Travel TV

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Bellini Nautica, a prestigious establishment specializing in vintage Riva boats and luxury yachts in Italy, recently launched a reimagined Riva Aquarama boat that seamlessly combined art and design.

Renowned French artist Xavier Casalta collaborated with Bellini Nautica to infuse his distinctive style into the wooden runabout. Through a mesmerizing interplay of lights and shadows, Casalta's artwork created a serene atmosphere. Using meticulous dot arrangements, he achieved a remarkable sense of balance and harmony.

Casalta's artistic talents in illustration, typography, and architecture, combined with his fascination for antiquity, were evident in his diverse body of work. His stippling technique, involving millions of ink dots, required immense precision and dedication, sometimes taking over 2,500 hours for a single piece. The showcased artwork at the event belonged to the Four Seasons series, portraying intricate floral and fruit depictions symbolizing different seasons.

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