How to Fix No Sound Issue on MacBook Pro

Описание к видео How to Fix No Sound Issue on MacBook Pro

Hello everyone, today we're going to walk you through how to fix your Mac's audio. If the sound randomly stopped working on your MacBook Pro, just follow the video and it'll be back up in no time, allowing you to watch YouTube, listen to music, and enjoy your computer just like you used to!

Remember to turn on closed captioning by clicking the "CC" at the bottom right of your screen, or by pressing "C" on your keyboard, so you can follow along without sound.

Sometimes you may have to repeat the steps before they work correctly, so be patient. Make sure everything is done exactly as in the video.


1) Check your audio output device in System Preferences by opening System Preferences, open the Sound tab, and make sure your output device is set correctly(usually "MacBook Pro Speakers").

2) Restart your device by clicking the Apple  Logo in the top right corner of your screen. Click Restart, and then click Restart again.

3) Check your audio output device in the Audio MIDI Setup app by opening Spotlight Search by clicking the magnifying glass icon 🔎in the top right of your screen, or by clicking Command and the Space Bar at the same time. Search for and open Audio MIDI Setup and make sure your output device is set correctly(usually "MacBook Pro Speakers"). If it's not, right click your desired output device and click "Use this device for sound output". A small speaker icon should appear next to your device name. If not, try again.

4) Reset "NVRAM" or "PRAM" by clicking the Apple  Logo in the top right corner of your screen. Click Shut Down, and then click Shut Down again. When your computer is turned off, press the power button, and then before the Apple logo shows, begin the following steps:

For 2018 MacBook Pros and Newer:

1) Press and hold at the same time the Command, Option, P, and R keys.
2) Wait for the Apple Logo to appear, disappear, and appear again(can take up to 20 seconds).
3) Release the keys and wait for computer to start up as normal.

*If anything doesn't work as expected, restart the steps. It can take a few tries so be patient.

For Older MacBook Pros:

1) Press and hold at the same time the Command, Option, P, and R keys.
2) Wait for the Startup Chime.
3) Release the keys and wait for computer to start up as normal.

*If anything doesn't work as expected, restart the steps. It can take a few tries so be patient.

If none of the above solutions worked, be sure to contact Apple Support at

Don’t be afraid to comment below if you need help!

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