Protecting the Peatlands One Pineapple at a Time

Описание к видео Protecting the Peatlands One Pineapple at a Time

In Siak District, Indonesia, two women launched Pinaloka, a small business that produces pineapple products to promote economic growth in their village and help protect the critical peatlands from wildfires.

SKELAS, the incubator that helped launch Pinaloka, is supported by Lingkar Temu Kabupaten Lestari (LTKL), an Indonesian district government association that works to promote sustainable development that protects the environment and improves the welfare of the community.

Many of the nine districts that currently make up the LTKL network have economies that rely on large scale industries like palm oil. To break this reliance and build a more sustainable economic model, LTKL is promoting various nature-based commodities like coffee, cocoa, coconut, bamboo and pineapple – all of which can be harvested sustainably.

Since 2019, the David and Lucile Packard Foundation has partnered with LTKL as part of its broader efforts to end tropical deforestation and promote just and sustainable development.

Read the full story here:


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