GetX, the all-in-one Flutter package | A brief tutorial covering State Management and Navigation

Описание к видео GetX, the all-in-one Flutter package | A brief tutorial covering State Management and Navigation

Previously known as 'Get', the new GetX is gaining traction as the all-in-one Flutter package. It dramatically reduces the number of lines of code that's necessary to do things like state management, navigation between screens, simple storage and display dialogs and snackbars.

In this video, I spend some minutes presenting and talking about all the features that GetX offers, and from the time 4:50 I start to build from scratch a brief tutorial that uses the state management and the navigation features. It's just another Counter App, but with two screens sharing the same counter value, which is managed by the GetX state controller. Thus, the navigation between two screens is also conducted by the package with just one line of code. There's no need to pass the BuildContext object every time you navigate between screens.

I've uploaded this entire project on my GitHub repository. Feel free to download it and try on your local system. If you've installed a similar version of Flutter (Channel stable, v1.17.5), it might run with no issues.


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