In depth altering oversized jeans how to || 5+ inches off the waist and maintaining natural hem

Описание к видео In depth altering oversized jeans how to || 5+ inches off the waist and maintaining natural hem

Hello! I've seen a few comments asking for a more in depth video, so here it is! I hope this helps

Videos I referenced for the hem:
   • How to Hem Jeans While Keeping Origin...  
   • Hem your jeans keeping original hem  

00:00 Intro
00:56 What to look for in thrifted denim
04:38 Measuring how much to take in
05:30 Seam ripping the waistband
08:34 Taking off the pockets
10:22 Marking where I will sew
15:25 Sewing the dart
16:34 Re-adjusting the amount taken in in the thighs
17:16 Seam ripping the side seams
17:53 Sewing the pockets back on
19:00 Sewing the side seam
21:08 Altering and attaching the waistband
24:54 Keeping the natural hem while shortening the jeans


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