ESP8266 Mini D1 Wemos bricked after ESPHome 5.0

Описание к видео ESP8266 Mini D1 Wemos bricked after ESPHome 5.0

There are allot of us who had problems getting the device to work after the ESPHome update to version 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3. This problem is related to the ESP8266 Mini d1 but other boards may be affected. The problem may not happened on mini d1 boards that uses just few sensors. This usually happends when you have allot of sensors connected to the board like mmwave sensors SN0395 or LD2410, temperature and air quality sensor bme680 and illuminance sensor like bh1750.

Learn how to make a backup of your firmware into a bin file that you can later restore from the ESPHome page.

But if you already upgraded and don't have a backup of the device, learn how to install a legacy version of the ESPHome of your chose using the esp legacy addon by khenderick.

You can install this legacy addon on Home Assistant and avoid trouble.


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