Top 3 things to look for in a Sales Support role

Описание к видео Top 3 things to look for in a Sales Support role

Are you in the trade business and feel like you're wearing too many hats as an owner or a sales manager? Ever feel like things are slipping through the cracks and struggling to stay organized? If you have been here or here now take a listen to a Caitlin has to say about the top three things a sales support person needs to have in order to help build a great team. Caitlin is with the Breakthrough Academy ( out of Vancouver and they help trade business owners grow their business with their coaching program.

In this interview Ryan Groth with FollowUp Power asks her the top 3 things to look for and they are:

1) sales Cordinator/support person must be personable and like people.
2) they must be super detail oriented
3) they must also know how to bring order to the chaos.


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