Pentamind: The Ultimate Mind Sport Championship

Описание к видео Pentamind: The Ultimate Mind Sport Championship

Just as elite sportsmen yearn for Olympic gold, a special breed of mental athlete is obsessed by one all-consuming desire – to become the Pentamind World Champion. The Mind Sports Olympiad (MSO) is a tournament that showcases the largely ignored world of mental sports.
The eight-day event, combines fifty disciplines from Chess, Poker and Backgammon, to family
favourites like Scrabble and Monopoly, and lesser-known gems like ‘Entropy’, and ‘Catan’. Pentamind follows five of the most decorated mind sports all-rounders to this year’s Olympiad. In a nail-biting story of quirky but cut-throat competition, it tells the tale of this fiendish contest, while exploring the heady world of competitive board gaming, and the spell it casts over those who compete for love and glory.


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