ለ6 ዓመታት በስደት ያሳደኳት ልጄን ተጠርዤ ስመጣ መስረቅ ነበረብኝ/ ኡማ አብዲ

Описание к видео ለ6 ዓመታት በስደት ያሳደኳት ልጄን ተጠርዤ ስመጣ መስረቅ ነበረብኝ/ ኡማ አብዲ

An exclusive Interview with umu abdi by Hawlet Tube. This is a program for Ethiopian women who have made an impact on their life. The program answers most of the questions about love and marriage.
visit our social media pages via
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በፕሮግራማችን ላይ መሳተፍ ለምትፈልጉ እና የግል ጥያቄ ላላችሁ
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