Carl Swan Tree Song

Описание к видео Carl Swan Tree Song

This is a song that came to me about 5 years ago when things weren't exactly going the way I had envisioned them to be. I was at one of the lowest times of my life and when that happened I turned especially to the gift I was given and my drum. Rather then thinking about myself in what i was going through, I sat alone and looked towards the sweat lodge near the bushes and thought about what the world was going through. The world as i know it is home to my children, knowing that I am alive and my children are alive, breathing the same air that i breathe.

Life is beautiful. When you look at the trees you see them reaching to the sky giving thanks to the great spirit, they too fall but they keep trying to get back up. They try because they know as little as they are when they grow they have a purpose in life, if they fail to come back to us it is because we failed them.

The water that we drink is as sacred as the woman who carries us, without water we would not survive, without the woman we would not be here. All that our ancestors have believed in is within our grasp and I truly believe are calling us to do what it is the great spirit intended us to do as human beings.

The ways of the Anishanabe people are to listen to the land, love and respect it, there are many different ways we can see and understand Creators love for us all.

Enjoy this song, Ki Chi Miigwetch. Carl Swan


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