Breaking the Stuttering Stigma: Discussions on Speech Impediments

Описание к видео Breaking the Stuttering Stigma: Discussions on Speech Impediments

VONDELL X ANTOINE - Overcoming Speech Impediments Episode 1

Vondell Pilcher and Antoine Albert share their personal stories and insights on overcoming speech impediments.

Vondell is a student at San Jose State University studying to be a speech and language pathologist, while Antoine is a UC Berkeley graduate. Both of them have lived their whole life with speech impediments and want to bring awareness to stutters and speech impediments especially those in underprivileged communities.

They discuss the challenges they faced growing up, the strategies they used to cope with their stutters, the misconceptions and stereotypes they encountered, and the advice they have for others who struggle with speech impediments. This podcast is an inspiring and informative conversation that will help you understand more about speech impediments and how to overcome them.


Vondell Pilcher
LinkedIn:   / vondell-pilcher-0b873a21b  

Antoine Albert
LinkedIn:   / antoine-albert14  

Creative Director / Videographer / Editor: Alex Diaz-Pena
LinkedIn:   / alexdpfilmz  

Camera 1 : Caroline Mounga
LinkedIn:   / caroline-mounga-985a63191  

Camera 2: Jasmine Williams
LinkedIn:   / jasmine-williams-110a47227  


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