Sharon Den Adel (Within Temptation) sings Nirvana

Описание к видео Sharon Den Adel (Within Temptation) sings Nirvana

For the translated interview see the extended description!!
Vara - De wereld draait door May 8, 2012
Sharon den Adel and Ruud Jolie. Sharon sings a Nirvana song and announces
that they will celebrate on November 13, 2012 their 15th Anniversary of Within Temptation. They will play a lot of old songs and will use old stages as well.

Rep.: Sharon, how are you
S: Very well
Rep. There a huge plans. The summer is coming up and that means that you are
performing on almost every festival throughout Europe
S: Yeah, that's right, even outside of Europe in Lebanon so we are playing really
Rep. Yes, because you really are world famous, Within Temptation is a world class
act, let's be honoust, from the Netherlands
S: Yes, from the Netherlands
Rep: and you want to anounce something special...
S: yes, we are going to make an anniversary show in November, November 13 to
be exactly. Our band released their first album 15 years ago and this show must
become the most spectacular show in the history of Within Temptation.
Rep: That sounds promising
S: Yeah, that means we will bring back a lot of things from those 15 years, stages,
old songs, new songs, cooperations with other artists
Other Rep: Martijn as well? (actually he means Robert)
S: Yes of course
Other Rep: that's her partner who doesn't play anymore
S: Yeah, we've got another Martijn at this moment (Martijn Spierenburg)
Rep: at Antwerp, right
S: Yes, Antwerp. The Sport Palace
Rep: 20.000 people right
S: Yes, aprox.
Rep: That's great news, you are doing very well. Let's watch, I think that everybody
knows your music very well
S: O yeah, we will play with the Il Novecento Orchestra, perhaps that's nice to tell
Rep: Huge!
S: Yes, huge
Rep: Within Temptation!!!
(after the video of Within Temptation)
Rep: Ok, now to today, what will you sing for us
S: A Nirvana song
Rep: And not just one song of them
S: No. THE song!
Rep: Smells like teen spirit
Other rep. Wow
S: Yes, I must admit I feel a bit excited about it
Rep: But why this song?
S: You'd better ask 'Why Nirvana' Nirvana was the first band that raised
my interest in heavy music, it was my first real love, I don't know. What
they accomplished with their music is something we try to achieve every
day with our music and that is to combine the emotion and the heavyness
and that combination is so powerful.
Rep: You met Dave Grohl, former drummer of Nirvana and now of the
Foo Fighters at a festival, a long time ago but he's still young,gave
his opinion about you and he said the following: (clip)
Other rep: It's very beautiful because tonight 2 artists will play something
from other song writer who are member of the club of 27 (they all died
at the age of 27)
It just crossed my mind
Rep: Who's sitting next to me?
S: That's Ruud Jolie, I am glad he's here to play for me because I can't play
Rep: Are you ready?
S: Yes I am
Rep: Sharon den Adel sings Nirvana


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