Prepping Mega-Models for the Metaverse: Engineering Edition | Unreal Fest 2022

Описание к видео Prepping Mega-Models for the Metaverse: Engineering Edition | Unreal Fest 2022

Engineers are sitting on some incredible models, some of which would be perfect for the metaverse. The problem? Many are too big! Enter Bentley Systems’ 3DFT, a new rendering codec that rapidly optimizes/compresses large 3D models for high UE5 framerates, without data loss. In this session, Senior Director Greg Demchak and Principal Software Engineer Daniel Iborra of Bentley System’s Digital Innovation Lab discuss the challenges 3DFT solves and its application to the metaverse, as well as offering a live demonstration of the technology.

We’re excited to bring you sessions from Unreal Fest 2022, available to watch on demand:


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