AC Gym Vs Open Gym Which Is Best? | TAMIL | BIGLEE

Описание к видео AC Gym Vs Open Gym Which Is Best? | TAMIL | BIGLEE

Let us understand the advantages and disadvantages of both types and make wise decision

When we workout we need more oxygen than usual to perform better and to oxidise fat (fat burning). When we have oxygen supply issue, our performance reduces.

Scientifically, when we workout on an AC gym that is temperature regulated, our performance in the workout increases and hence we can stimulate better muscle growth and better fat loss.
But the irony in many gyms today is that AC is not kept on during all the time and hence there is a huge discomfort for the person working out and a drop of performance.
If in case there is a power cut - and there is no proper ventilation - you would have to stop your workout altogether or else you might even faint.

There is not issue of lack of ventilation, but the problem is that in a country like ours, we can opt to workout in these gyms only in early mornings and late afternoons. Which means - you can not run to a open gym for a workout during your work break.
If you are a student and run on a tight budget - these gyms may be of great help cos of the low fee structure.

VERDICT - choose a gym with good ventilation even if it is an AC gym so that in times of power shortage - you don’t have to suffer lack of oxygen.

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