Maid of Sker || Full Game: Safe mode Playthrough, All collectibles, All endings, No commentary

Описание к видео Maid of Sker || Full Game: Safe mode Playthrough, All collectibles, All endings, No commentary

I like horror quest game stories, graphics and level design but to tell the true I feel myself not very comfortable in survival games. I prefer a calm and rather relaxed style while playing, so that nothing distracts from the storyline and exploring. That's why I played through Maid of Sker in safe mode.
In this video you can see a rather fast playthrough of the whole of the game with all collectibles found and 2 endings of the game shown.
Have a nice time watching and playing! Likes and Subscribe are appeciated! ^-^

Timestamps for quick and easy search:
00:12 - Note 1/30 (Elisabeth's Letter)
03:50 - Phonograph 1/15
10:17 - Note 2/30 (Isaac's Grand Reopening Note)
12:29 - Phonograph 2/15
14:05 - Note 3/30 (Williams Family Bible)
16:53 - Music Doll 1/20
17:57 - Phonograph 3/15
20:14 - Note 4/30 (Isaac's Ledger Deaths and Disappearances)
21:06 - Music Doll 2/20
24:27 - Music Doll 3/20
27:01 - Phonograph 4/15
27:36 - Music Doll 4/20
27:52 - Note 5/30 (Mysterious Note)
31:04 - Note 6/30 (Jebediah's Cult Letter)
31:40 - Phonograph 5/15
33:13 - Note 7/30 (Isaac's account of HMS Providence)
35:34 - Note 8/30 (Jebediah's Ritual Notes)
36:26 - Music Doll 5/20
38:01 - Phonograph 6/15
39:58 - Music Doll 6/20
42:23 - Music Doll 7/20
45:23 - Note 9/30 (Isaac's Plans)
46:28 - Phonograph 7/15
48:12 - Music Doll 8/20
51:06 - Phonograph 8/15
52:02 - Note 10/30 (Morning Herald Newpaper)
53:39 - Note 11/30 (Isaac's Audio-Visual Notes)
57:53 - Note 12/30 (Isaac's Journal)
58:31 - Note 13/30 (Jebediah's Journal)
59:45 - Phonograph 9/15
01:03:33 - Note 14/30 (Isaac's Reprimand of Abraham)
01:07:47 - Note 15/30 (The Siren in Greek Myth)
01:09:32 - Phonograph 10/15
01:13:20 - Music Doll 9/20
01:14:41 - Music Doll 10/20
01:18:48 - Music Doll 11/20
01:20:51 - Note 16/30 (Prudences's Letter to Elisabeth)
01:22:51 - Music Doll 12/20
01:23:13 - Note 17/30 (Elisabeth's Counter Song Plan)
01:24:14 - Phonograph 11/15
01:25:58 - Note 18/30 (Elisabeth's Lyrics for Counter Song)
01:27:04 - Music Doll 13/20
01:29:18 - Phonograph 12/15
01:32:50 - Note 19/30 (Article of a Tragic Loss)
01:34:09 - Note 20/30 (Elisabeth's Diary Entry 01)
01:35:50 - Note 21/30 (Elisabeth's Diary Entry 02)
01:37:14 - Note 22/30 (Elisabeth's Diary Entry 03)
01:37:56 - Phonograph 13/15
01:39:13 - Music Doll 14/20
01:39:35 - Note 23/30 (Mythology)
01:41:50 - Note 24/30 (Isaac's Blueprint Notes)
01:45:45 - Phonograph 14/15
01:48:14 - Phonograph 15/15
01:50:19 - Note 25/30 (Elisabeth's Diary Entry 04)
01:53:51 - Music Doll 15/20
01:54:18 - Note 26/30 (Page from Isaac's Journal)
01:54:55 - Note 27/30 (Crude Drawing)
01:55:38 - Music Doll 16/20
01:56:52 - Music Doll 17/20
01:58:17 - Music Doll 18/20
01:58:46 - Note 28/30 (Hidden Room Plans)
01:59:59 - Note 29/30 (Thomas Letter to Elisabeth)
02:01:32 - Note 30/30 (Elisabeth's Diary)
02:02:00 - Music Doll 19/20
02:03:32 - Music Doll 20/20
02:06:04 - Bad Ending
02:09:57 - Good Ending
02:13:12 - Aftergame scene

#questrium #horrorquest #maidofskerfullgame


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