{MEP} Sonic & Shadow ~ Live and Learn (OPEN 5/10)

Описание к видео {MEP} Sonic & Shadow ~ Live and Learn (OPEN 5/10)

Full MEP Completed :

Welcome Everyone to my Sonic&Shadow MEP gosh how I missed it! I love this song so I decided to make a MEP as it end of almost yr of Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic Movie 3 coming out so why not I had planned this to make a Shadow MEP so here goes!
Topic you can choose any games,movies anything on Sonic&Shadow other characters too but mainly my 2 hedgehogs don't forget to follow rules! Make some effort into this MEP guys as I want it to look great just don't overuse much effects as it would look nasty! 😞

Rules :
• Upload Your Part on Youtube & give me a link!
• I will only accept part in HD quality 1080p only unless you running out of storage then 720p it maximum that it if it below i can't accept it otherwise it changes but we see!
• If you need extra time I give you time you only get 1 MONTH TO DO MEP PARTS this needs to be on time this MEP it very important so if you are not gonna make it on time this time it ok I give you extra extend date for you if you like!
• I choose participaters but no one can choose!
• Choose what you want on any games,movies,fanmades ect on Sonic&Shadow what you are going to use & tell me and see if I can accept fanmade of Sonic character pls speak to me about it!
• You cannot use sound & you need to use music that is here or on YouTube only but pls do not move volume up or down on this MEP cuz I won't be bothered doing it for you guys so don't touch the volume leave it as it is how you normally edit! You can add effects make some effort into this one pls but don't overdue them unless you are the legends editors that I know of such as ‪@RockOnRatchet95‬, ‪@SonicXization‬, ‪@SolarisFox_svp‬, ‪@diakitty45‬, ‪@EnchantedNebula‬ and others then use what you have to, use filters and overlays ect & you can use Lyrics optional!
• Lookout for time when it's your Part some parts are longer then others!
• If a Participater won't make it on time they be immediately replaced by someone else!
• You can't have your Name on your Part and Logo! As I will be adding the names!
• You can have 1 Part for now later if I don't get many people to join I will decide if you can have more then 1 Part Count it guys this is your only chance now to join this MEP otherwise it GONE!
• If some for reason you can't take watermark out of your part it ok I will accept it this once but for those others who are fine then don't add watermark unless you have no choice otherwise!

If you want a Part say this :
App you using
What you be doing on like which Sonic or Shadow or other characters you plan to use, what you be focusing on like what movie, games, fanmade ect!
Replacements (if someone didn't do it on time they replacement people will do the part for me so it doesn't miss parts for my MEP!

Done : ☄️
Not Done : ⚡
Intro : Me
Part 1 :
Part 2 :
Part 3 : ‪@Lauragreste‬
Part 4 : ‪@RyugaChris‬
Part 5 :
Part 6 : ‪@kyoyakuvira101‬
Part 7 : ‪@skyepup1314‬
Part 8 :
Part 9 : ‪@GabsonicoEdit‬
Part 10 :
Outro: Me
Thumbnail : ANYBODY


Song : Live and Learn by Jones Bentley
Due : 30 December 2024 (I can extend for people if they need it but I want it on time this yr)


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