ENG SUB 《不讨好的勇气 Later, I Laughed》合集版 Full Version Part 02 ——主演:

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☞主演: 李庚希、魏大勋、王皓

【Synopsis】At 26 years old, Xiuya works for a large corporation. She tends to accommodate others and doesn't express her own opinions, making others comfortable but suppressing herself. In the eyes of others, her life seems great; she has a stable job and a motivated boyfriend. However, Xiuya knows she is forcing herself into an uncomfortable situation, just barely holding on. When her boyfriend, Zheng Hao, made three major life decisions for her: changing her job, proposing, and deciding on their housing without consulting her, will Xiuya finally break her silence?
【Starring】Li Gengxi, Wei Daxun, Wang Hao, Xu Mengjie, Ding Guansen, Cao Bingkun, Song Yang, Liu Dan, Niu Li, Huang Lu, Jiang Yi, Zhang Chi

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#不讨好的勇气 #LaterILaughed #腾讯视频 #李庚希 #魏大勋 #王皓 #LiGengxi #WeiDaxun #WangHao


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