Tales of Symphonia R (PS4) - Lloyd (Level 54) vs Vidarr [00'14''93]

Описание к видео Tales of Symphonia R (PS4) - Lloyd (Level 54) vs Vidarr [00'14''93]

After the challenging "Sylverant" run

   • Tales of Symphonia R (PS4) - Sylveran...  

the new videos are quite the opposite.
After slaughtering the animals between Iselia and the Tempel of Martel for nearly 12 hours, Lloyd is more than ready to face the really tough Vidarr!

Lloyd's stats: HP 4290; TP 295; ATK 399/389; DEF 154.
Vidarr's stats: HP 4000; TP 30; ATK 210; DEF 21.


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