Cybersecurity Engineering Using Innoslate

Описание к видео Cybersecurity Engineering Using Innoslate

At our webinar, "Cybersecurity Engineering Using Innoslate," guest presenter, Jeff Greer, and Dr. Steven Dam showed how to improve enterprise cybersecurity using the Lifecycle Modeling Language (LML) and Innoslate.

About Jeff: Jeff Greer is currently a lecturer in cybersecurity at the University of North Carolina Wilmington. When not teaching, he is working on curriculum development for a new applied cybersecurity specialization in the maritime transportation system sector. In addition, he is working to advance the application of model-based system engineering as a means for improving enterprise cybersecurity by design. Jeff is a member of the US Coast Guard's Sector Five Cybersecurity Taskforce and a member of the FBI's Infragard Program. Previously Jeff was Vice President of Operations for a NASDAQ tech company until his retirement in 2018. For fifteen years he was an integral part of an executive team that built a successful mobile broadband business offering internet services to ships at sea around the world. Jeff holds a Master of Science degree in Cybersecurity Technology.


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