
Описание к видео #DogReactivity

In our follow-up video filmed the next day, we're thrilled to report that Sheru is doing exceptionally well.

In the video, you can observe Sheru's significant improvement. We're training him outdoors, and this quick-learning puppy is picking up new behaviors rapidly.

Training at the puppy stage is incredibly important for several reasons:
- Faster Learning: Puppies have a remarkable capacity to learn quickly, making it easier to instill good habits from the start.
- Behavioral Foundation: Early training helps establish a solid behavioral foundation, preventing the development of undesirable behaviors.
- Socialization: It aids in proper socialization with other animals and people, reducing fear and aggression.
- Adaptability: Puppies trained early tend to adapt better to new environments and situations.
- Stronger Bond: Training sessions strengthen the bond between the owner and the puppy, fostering trust and respect.

Starting training at an early stage, particularly before nine months, is crucial for addressing 99.9% of behavioral issues. Stay tuned to see more of Sheru's journey and his continued transformation!


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