Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR) Order Fulfillment Goods to Person - Conveyco

Описание к видео Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR) Order Fulfillment Goods to Person - Conveyco

Conveyco will show how flexibility and agility of Goods to Person Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR) order picking and replenishment provides organizations a cost effective and fast ROI solution.

From slotting, to replenishment, to handling returns, Conveyco's AMR system allows organizations to rapidly improve picking efficiencies up to 300%. Plus, our Autonomous Mobile Robot will provide a labor reduction by as much as 2/3 and reduce floor space requirements by up to 50%.

We will deep dive into the picking strategies and software that allow organizations to customize a large portion of our system. The AMRs will increase capacity during peak hours and reduce your labor requirements during slower periods. This AMR system is truly one of the most flexible and powerful solutions in the materials handling world.

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