GOKU AND VEGETA VS GRANOLAH! Saiyan Bardock Saved Granolah Dragon Ball Super Manga Chapter 76 Review

Описание к видео GOKU AND VEGETA VS GRANOLAH! Saiyan Bardock Saved Granolah Dragon Ball Super Manga Chapter 76 Review

Dragon Ball Super Manga Chapter 76 continues the story of Granolah The Survivor Arc as Ultra Ego Vegeta Vs Granolah resumes, resulting in Super Saiyan Blue Goku stepping in to help save Vegeta from Granolah as Super Saiyan Blue Goku Vs Granolah also ensues with both Granolah and the Saiyans leaving everything on the table in order to take the other out! Vegeta and Goku seem to be having a very difficult time in beating Granolah alone but Vegeta was adamant about doing it alone. Vegeta ultimately is unable to do anything to stop Granolah, resulting in Vegeta giving up his title and accepting his fate in being destroyed by Granolah as Granolah was looking to lay it all on the line to end himself and end Vegeta as well. Goku makes the save again, only for Monaito to step in and explain to Granolah that he was in fact saved by the Saiyan Bardock over 40 years ago! What does this mean for Granolah going forward as he now learns of Bardock saving them when the saiyans attacked! As we possibly going to see a Mastered Ultra Instinct Goku Vs Granolah rematch? At what point will the Heeter clan return? Is it possible that we could still see Granolah Vs Frieza? Is it possible to see the Heeters vs Goku? The Heeters Vs Vegeta? Gas Vs Granolah? Gas Vs Goku? Gas Vs Vegeta? What could any of this mean? What could this arc have in store for our heroes? Could DBS Manga Chapter 76 open more doors to endless possibilities down the road? Be sure to subscribe for more daily Dragon Ball Content!

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