Use less time and effort, for better results. Know and be familiar with a few key tools you need. Video inspired by a conversation with Stephanie Hafferty, from questions asked on the FB Group Undug.
I show efficient and easy use of just a few tools. We start with moving compost in my old wheelbarrow, a vital tool.
You see how a manure fork contrasts with a digging fork. I use the former to load a wheelbarrow, and break lumps of compost so that spreading is more even and compost is then more available to soil organisms
You see a bed of carrots we are harvesting, and how the soil is a little disturbed and uneven after the pull. Learn how to grow no dig carrots in my books, such as this double offer
I show using a rake & explain why levelling is good, for even distribution of compost, then it's easier to hoe, plant and sow.
I spread compost and make level either with the manure fork.
I explain firming and use my foot, if sowing or planting immediately
Maintain the bed and path weed free. If coming back later, say very early spring, you may need to Hoe. I show how to use it effectively.
Also how to remove perennial weed roots with a Trowel, using bindweed as an example.
Transplanting: it's easiest and quickest to pop in small plants.
How to make a hole - I show use of a Dibber.
How to plant with a trowel eg potato seed
Tidy edge - I show our method of keeping it neat, thanks to Josh Rogers fo input. See another video about this in Module 4 of my online course
00:00 Introduction
01:00 Loading compost with a manure fork or shovel and breaking up lumps
05:00 Difference between homemade compost and horse manure
06:45 Compost bucket and harvesting carrots
09:18 Using a rake to keep an even surface on your beds
11:03 Using a wheelbarrow to apply compost and using a fork to spread the compost - bed prep
14:18 Trowel and dibber for planting
18:55 Swivel / oscillating hoe for weeding and raking techniques
21:12 Trowel for planting potatoes and for weeding
24:16 Edging with long handled shears
When you make a purchase of products I recommend, please use this link to my page on Crocus, I earn a commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you for your support.
My copper tools are expensive, but last for years and are kind on soil quality such as magnetism, little understood
UK distributor of my long handled dibber
USA & Canada distributor of my long handled dibber
For Starting out No Dig, on many weeds, see my earlier video • No-Dig Gardening for Beginners: Step-...
Filmed and edited 8th November 2020 by Edward Dowding.
At Homeacres small, no dig market and teaching garden in Somerset UK, temperate oceanic climate zone 8.
To buy one of my online courses
To buy a book
To join an in person Day or Weekend course at Homeacres
To join my channel as a member, use this link / @charlesdowding1nodig
As a member, you can watch a new video each month, which is exclusively for members. Your payments support my promotion and teaching of better, easier gardening. I can offer bursaries for day courses and online courses, through individuals in charge of community gardens/allotments and school gardens. Contact us through my website to enquire about bursaries
To buy the module trays I designed with Containerwise, use this link
The Refill Room also hold stock of the module trays,
The Farm Dream for buying trays in Europe
To buy t-shirts and hoodies with my exclusive no dig designs, use this link
For fleece and mesh supplies Charles recommends Gardening Naturally
#nodig #growyourownfood #growyourownveggies #nodiggardening #marketgarden
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