
Описание к видео Gulpoli

Sahitya (Ingredients):-
1. Gavhache Peeth ( Wheat flour ) -1 1/2 Measuring cup.
2. Maida (MAIDA ) -1/4 M.
3. KISALELA Gul ( Crushed Jaggery )-2 M. cup.
4. Bhajalele Til (Roasted Sesame seeds )-1/2 M. cup.
5 Bhajalelee Khasakhas ( Roasted Poppy seeds)-1/4 M. cup.
6. Chanyachya daleeche peeth/ Besan (Split chick pea flour )-1.M cup.
7. Gode Tel (Ground nut oil )-5 Table spoon + 3 TEA spoons.
8. Velchee powder (Cardamom Powder )-3 Tsp.
9. Tandalache peeth (Rice flour ) as required.
10. Meeth ( Salt )- 1/4 Tsp.
11 Bhajalelya Shengadanyache koot ( Roasted peanut powder )-1 Table spoon
12. Panee (Water )-As required.

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