Learn How To Blitz With training from NFL All-Pro Linebacker Hardy Nickerson!

Описание к видео Learn How To Blitz With training from NFL All-Pro Linebacker Hardy Nickerson!

Get your best start on the Blitz and learn from a legend! 16 year NFL veteran Hardy Nickerson wants to teach you how to BRING THE PRESSURE!

Hey linebackers. If you want to improve your training and improve your game then fundamentals are key today 17 year NFL vet hardy Nickerson is going to show you how to be fundamentally sound.

Hey everybody, welcome to elite athletes TV. I'm Mike Pawlawski, former 11 year pro quarterback and quarterbacks coach here at elite athletes TV. Today we have a linebacker training tip for you from four time All-Pro five time Pro Bowl player, NFL Man of the Year. Hardy Nickerson but before we get to it, make sure you subscribe to the channel ring that bell get notified every time we have new stuff coming out. Give us a thumbs up if you're ready for the linebacker training. And leave a comment. We'd love to hear your thoughts. Also, please share this video out family friends, teammates fans, anybody you know who loves football content or sports content overall. Here at EliteAthletesTV.com. We're trying to help as many young athletes as we can. Now, let's get to linebacker training with 17 year NFL vet and stud hardy Nickerson.
"We're talking about blitzes for linebackers. We'll start in a blitz stance. So we'll get into Blitz stance here, we want to have our feet about shoulder width apart. Alright, staggered stance, we're starting with our right foot back, and you want to shoulders over that front toe, back foot in the ground toe ball of foot in the ground back heel off the ground. When we start out, we want to roll over that front foot and accelerate from there. So we'll get started right here. Jeep a nice flat back so you can change directions out of this stance, if we need to. You want to get a start out of out of both feet, alternating the feet that are forward. So we'll start as you start with the right foot forward. On your way back you start with the left foot forward here.
Stance and starts are very important as we get our blitzes going. No wasted steps gets us one step closer to a quarterback one step closer to making a big play no matter what position you play. Getting your stance right is key and Hardy did it at the linebacker position as well as anybody. Don't forget, if you haven't done it yet, subscribe to the channel. Ring that bell get notified every time we have new content that can improve your game. Give us a thumbs up. Leave a comment and don't forget, share this video out we appreciate you watching a little linebacker training for you today hopefully improve your game and your football skills.


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