Adaptive toys for kids with disabilities

Описание к видео Adaptive toys for kids with disabilities

Original airdate: 12/6/2018 | Think of them as some of Santa's most-skilled elves.

Student volunteers from the Lehigh Career & Technology Institute and Jim Thorpe Senior High School are doing things some toy companies don't always think of.

Their steady hands and attention to detail turn toys, right off the shelf, into something kids with disabilities can enjoy for years to come.

"We 3-D print these buttons and then wire them up so that we can use them and they can press them easier without having to use the small switch," said student volunteer Kingsley Heling.

"What a great way to have students with these skills being able to adapt the toys and give back to the students and their peers in the communities in which they live," said Coordinator and Carbon Lehigh Intermediate Unit Consultant, Danielle Argot.

Each toy is carefully taken out of its original packaging, then sent to the switch assembly station for the 3-D printed adaptive buttons to be installed using soldering guns and wires. After that, it's placed back in its packaging to look like new.

"Then we put a little tag in there explaining to the recipients that it was donated to them and that student volunteers made this happen," said Argot.

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