The Face of Berengaria of Navarre (Artistic Reconstruction)

Описание к видео The Face of Berengaria of Navarre (Artistic Reconstruction)

Project requested by: MsMax & CynthiaMcArthur

Berengaria of Navarre (b.1165-1170 - d. December 23, 1230), daughter of King Sancho VI of Navarre and Queen Sancha of Castile, wife of King Richard "Lionheart" I.


ARTIST NOTES: All popular depictions of Berengaria aside, including a portrayal of her by fair skinned, fair-haired Hollywood actress Loretta Young, the true Berengaria has been documented through history as "a small bride of Mediterranean coloring, with black hair and eyes". Any notations of the quality of her beauty seemed entirely subjective. Some were impressed, others not so much. Her effigy seemed to suggest a fullness in the face specific to her, as well as large eyes, full lips, and a long nose.

Part of the reason this reconstruction changes shape so drastically was to correct what was decided to be an awkward angle of the face. Other changes came into being as different qualities and features were tried and ruled out in the reconstruction process. When I run out of changes to make or references to consult, the portrait is considered finished for the time being.

It is understood that since everyone has their own mind's eye picture of what Berengaria might have looked like, any interpretation that deviates from that ideal is going to be criticized.


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