[ENG SUB] 许凯横店跨年双向奔赴粉丝视角 Experience Virtually How It Feels to Meet Xu Kai!

Описание к видео [ENG SUB] 许凯横店跨年双向奔赴粉丝视角 Experience Virtually How It Feels to Meet Xu Kai!

#xukai #许凯 #許凱
Cr. Livresse丨三千(已授权 ‪@XuKai4life‬ 转载,请勿二改二传)
(Reposting authorized, please do not modify or redistribute)

♫ 那沿途的风浪
这一路光景 有你在身旁

♥ 七拼八凑又是一场盛大奔赴
♥ 刻骨铭心的一次跨年

原po Original Post: https://weibo.com/1812914713/NAuMsFFoZ
1分31秒收信的瞬间开始飙泪 连着看了5遍哭了将近半个小时才让决堤的情绪得到了一些释放 对这个未曾谋面的人的爱意 心里已经满到装不下了
谢谢@Livresse丨三千 记录拼凑的这场盛大奔赴 让想要奔向他却还未能如愿的人能身临其境地体会那一份双向奔赴的感动💖

I want to share this touching video with you all, it is recorded and edited by an Alaso named "@Livresse丨三千" on Weibo. I thought this would be a great gift to overseas Alasos who are not able to meet Xu Kai in person to experience virtually how it may feel to be in his presence.
The first teary moment came at 00:01:31 when Xu Kai reached his hand out to grab the fan mail, and I started bawling after that. I watched this video five times straight and cried for almost half an hour because I really cannot contain my emotions and love I have for this wonderful individual that I've never met.


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