The use of low dose naltrexone (LDN) in fertility.

Описание к видео The use of low dose naltrexone (LDN) in fertility.

Pharmacist Jay Gill interviews Dr. Kofinas, a placenta and fertility specialist in NY. Dr. Kofinas explains how the placenta is a vital but often ignored organ. It defines the baby's existence and health. When the mother is suffering from a chronic inflammatory condition or auto-immune disease it negatively impacts fertility. Conditions like endometriosis, fibroids, and PCOS need to be treated in the mother to improve the chances of a healthy pregnancy.
Using low dose naltrexone (LDN) can help reduce the inflammation that may be an underlying cause of infertility. Dr. Kofinas has been using LDN in his practice for several years after finding research on it's use in fertility. He feels any potential side effects are greatly outweighed by the benefits of LDN.

Dr. Kofinas would like every couple to know that "healthy pregnancies are possible". You can learn more about Dr. Kofinas and his practice here.

The Compounding Center, located in Leesburg, Virginia, specializes in custom compounded medications for human and veterinary patients. You can learn more about TCC here.


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