18 Amazing Health Benefits of Clean Eating You Can Apply TODAY

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18 Amazing Health Benefits of Clean Eating You Can Apply TODAY
How It Works
Clean eating is more of a lifestyle than just a short-term diet. The main premise is that "clean" food is whole, unrefined food without additives or preservatives, artificial flavoring, artificial coloring and sugar substitutes. Nothing is off-limits as long as it's made of pure, unadulterated ingredients.
Those who practice clean eating focus on choosing foods with less than four to six ingredients, all of which should be easily recognizable—nothing you can't pronounce. It also usually involves exercising regularly, drinking plenty of water, and ensuring proper nutrition through supplements.
Clean eating is supposed to benefit the body by aiding fat loss and weight loss, increasing energy levels, increasing mental well-being and improving skin clarity, hair strength and sleep quality.

Lets take alook at the health benefits of clean eating –

1. Pumped-Up Brain Power
A clean diet nurtures your most important organ: the brain. Whole foods deliver nutrients like B vitamins that boost brain function and antioxidants that support memory and attention.
2. Weight loss:
One of the joys of eating foods that are close as possible to being in the form that nature gave them to us, is that your body tends to thrive and stay slim almost effortlessly! Sometimes there are hormonal issues involved with not being being able to lose weight, but getting in tune with your body and sticking with a healthy lifestyle long enough will eventually let you heal.
3. Sustainable & Healthy Lifestyle:
Clean eating is surprisingly sustainable because it is so delicious, satisfying, and makes you feel amazing. Unlike diets that ask you to practice torturous caloric restriction or avoid foods rich in flavour, Clean Eating is about rewiring your taste buds for life. This means, slow and steadily, you learn how to LOVE Clean Foods.

4. Cancer Prevention
Eat a clean diet, and you'll also help fight cancer growth. Following a diet rich in processed foods puts you at an increased risk of cancer, and saturated fat, processed meat and fried foods all up your cancer risk.
On the other hand, a clean diet, rich in fruits and veggies, boosts your intake of phytonutrients and antioxidants, which fight cancer growth. Colorado State highlights cruciferous veggies — a family that includes broccoli and kale — and tomatoes as especially beneficial.
5. Improved Sleep Quality
Another of the surprising benefits of a clean diet is better shut-eye. Food quality and proper sleep are connected in a number of ways. Researchers believe high fat diets negatively affect a brain chemical called orexin, which supports the sleep-wake cycle and appetite management [1]. Eat your way to better sleep with clean-eating, nutrient-rich dinners.
6. Glowing Skin
From refined sugar to excess alcohol, empty calories deprive skin of the nutrients it needs to stay strong and resilient. Nourish fresher-looking skin by eating whole foods packed with skin-loving nutrients like healthy fats and antioxidants.
7. Better mood:
There’s a strong correlation between food and mood, and several books have been written about this now. It seems we have long discounted the link between food and things like depression and anxiety. Keep your blood glucose levels stable, and live long and happy with Clean Eating.
8. Simplify Meal Planning
Clean eating provides all the nutrition you need using ingredients you can buy at the local grocery store, giving you the tools for a lifetime of healthy eating.

9. Faster recovery:
you will find on a healthy diet that your workouts are better and that your recovery time is cut down too. This is in part because of the minimized inflammation in your body, but also because of all the great antioxidants you are getting from your food.

10. Stronger Body:
When you’re malnourished, strength is at an all time low. This prevents you from being able to get the most of your day, or even find the energy to exercise. Clean Eating naturally brings hormones into balance, causes excess fat to melt away and muscle builds more easily when you’re fed right. It’s a great goal to set for yourself to feel strong and solid in your body.

11. Less Cravings:
As just mentioned, your body is naturally cleansing and detoxing when you are eating clean, so a lot of the old stuff in your colon and tissues gets flushed out and is no longer controlling your biology and cravings. In a sense, you’re totally reprogramming your relationship with food in a positive way.
12. Lower Food Bills
Takeout, restaurant, and processed foods come at a cost to your waistline—and your bank account. See the difference in your budget by swapping your usual go-to dinners for flavorful homemade recipes
13. Less Constipation
Processed foods like white breads and pastas have been stripped of the fiber that keeps constipation, bloating, and other tummy troubles in check.
14. Fantastic Flavor


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