Anglo -Aro Wars - Arochukwu Expedition 1901- The march to the hinterland.

Описание к видео Anglo -Aro Wars - Arochukwu Expedition 1901- The march to the hinterland.

In our last episode, we concluded the Aro-Ibibio war and the formation of the Aro Kingdom. In continuation of our series on the Aro confederacy, this episode is on the Anglo-Aro war in the late 19th century and beginning of the 20th century for influence and control of trade in the bight of Biafra.

The Aro’s had founded and incorporated many cities and settlements, during the 17th, 18th, and early 19th centuries in the Igbo interior in the north, and west of imo river, Niger lower Delta, and southeastern towards central Africa. helped by their influence through trade, medical knowledge, craftsmanship, military alliances, and wars.

Sources: Apollo O nwauwa Ph.d(Dalhousie Univ, Halifax) title Anthropos: the Evolution of Aro Confederacy in Southeastern Nigeria. 1690-1720
Source: J.N. Oriji title: the trans-African journal of history.


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